
Compatibility and Dependencies

The dependencies of turtleFSI are:

  • FEniCS 2019.1.0
  • Numpy >1.1X
  • Python >=3.7

Basic Installation

If you have a MacOX or Linux operating system we recommend that you install turtleFSI through Anaconda. First, install Anaconda or Miniconda, depending on your need. For just installing turtleFSI we recommend Miniconda. Then execute the following command in a terminal window:

$ conda create -n your_environment -c conda-forge turtleFSI

You can then activate your environment by running source activate your_environment. Now you are all set, and can start using turtleFSI. A detailed explanation for usage of turtleFSI can be found here.

If you are using turtleFSI on a high performance computing (HPC) cluster we always recommend that you build from source, as described below. This is in accordance with the guidelines provided by the FEniCS project users to install FEniCS from source when on a HPC cluster.

Development version


The latest development version of turtleFSI can be found on the official turtleFSI git repository on Github. To clone the turtleFSI repository, open a terminal, navigate to the directory where you wish turtleFSI to be stored, type the following command, and press Enter:

$ git clone

After the source distribution has been downloaded, all the files will be located in the newly created turtleFSI folder.


In order to build and install turtleFSI, navigate into the turtleFSI folder, where a file will be located. First, make sure that all dependencies are installed. Then, you can install turtleFSI be executing the following:

$ python install

If you are installing turtleFSI somewhere you do not have root access, typically on a cluster, you can add --user to install locally.